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Uncover nocturnal natives, creepy-crawlies, and other weird & wonderful critters with Treeforce and special guests Friday, 11 August.
Expert entomologist Dr David Rentz will identify all manner of flying insects and other bugs, while katydid champion Matt Connors will lead a spotlighting venture to see what night-time neighbours we can find!
BYO headtorch, water bottle and inquisitive mind. Evening snacks provided. This is a free, all-ages event.
Please RSVP by our facebook event or SMS to 0411 824 883. See you after dark!

Date: 11 August 2023

Time: 6pm to 8:30pm

Location: Glenoma Park, Brinsmead

This event is sponsored by the QLD Office of the Chief Scientist under a Citizen Science funded program

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